We are born for greatness at the nerve cell level. Feel it! (Copy)

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We are born for greatness at the nerve cell level. Feel it:

This artwork was inspired by a child’s drawing of flowers viewed from above. While collaborating to complete her painting on canvas, the child expressed a desire for the flowers to be sent to God.

This inspired the artist to create a painting where the flowers represent nerve cells being offered to God—a symbolic gesture of her deepest gratitude. The vibrant and fragrant flowers reflect the intricate beauty and greatness of our very being, down to the cellular level.

Through this painting, the artist hopes to convey a profound message: that we are all inherently remarkable, just like the nerve cells that sustain us. The artist aspires for those who view this piece, and the child who inspired it, to recognize and embrace their greatness.

We are born for greatness—down to the level of our nerve cells. Feel it, celebrate it, and believe in

Size: 80cm x 100cm

Type: Texture Painting